In early stages of cataract, you may either not have any symptoms or experience increased glare and reduced night vision. Only when cataract becomes mature, you will see a white spot in centre of the eye.
Surgery is the only treatment for cataract. Timing of surgery can be as per patient's convenience. However one should not wait till the cataract matures.
Cataract surgery is done by phacoemulsification (LASER). It is a painlesss, 7-10 minutes procedure which does not require any injection. Also there is no patch applied on the eye after surgery. You can go home immediately after the surgery and get back to your routine work the same day.
1) No fasting on the morning of surgery is necessary. However, breakfast should be light.
2) All systemic medications for diabetes, hypertension, heart disease etc should be taken as per schedule.
3) Ecosprin or aspirin, clopitap, heparin medication should be discontinued 3 days prior & 4 days after surgery.
4) A tidy bath with hair and face wash is a must on the day of surgery.
1) No head bath for 4 days, however, one can wipe face and head with wet cloth. Bath from neck down is fine.
2) Protective glasses only for outdoor use, mainly to prevent dust entry and inadvertent trauma to the operated eye.
3) Sleeping in the night with protective glasses or shield on is recommended to prevent inadvertent eye trauma.
4) No indoor use of protective glasses is necessary, except when one is cooking or is in close proximity to gas.
5) There is no restriction to watching TV.
6) Maintain strict posturing for 5 days if a particular posture has been suggested by doctor. Getting up to go to the bathroom and eating is all that is permitted. This is only in cases of retinal surgery.
7) For excessive watering, wiping from the side of the lid is suggested with a fresh tissue every time, use of handkerchief is not advisable.
8) No swimming is permitted for 1 month post-surgery, shaving is alright from 1st day itself.
1) Leave a gap of 15 minutes between administering two eyedrops.
2) One drop of eye medications is more than sufficient for the optimum eyedrops dose to be delivered.
3) Do not touch the opening of eyedrop bottles for fear of contamination.
4) Eye ointment should always be placed on the inside of the lower lid.
It is surgical procedure performed to get rid of glasses permanently. It is cool (non-thermal ) laser energy to modify the cornea (outer-most layer the eye ) so that images are clearly focused on the retina. LASIK and PRK are the two broad categories of laser vision correction.
Most of the patients wearing glasses and contact lenses would be candidates for lasik surgery. Pre –lasik work-up and test are done to check for suitability. If numbers are high, or if the tests are not suitable for lasik or if there is any pathology ( keratoconus, retinal pathology) we have other alternative procedures like PRK , ICL ( IMPLANTABLE COLLAMER LENS)etc which can be performed.
Pre –lasik work up includes detailed ocular and systemic history taking, refraction (number checkup), intraocular pressure measurement, dilated retinoscopy, anterior segment and retina evaluation, corneal topography and specular microscopy followed by a detailed counseling session.
If pre-lasik tests and ocular examination is normal and if you are motivated to have glass free vision, lasik is right for you.
We can treat nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), cylindrical powers (astigmatism) and reading numbers (presbyopia).
Lasik is normally done after age of 18 years once the refraction stabilizes. However, we do perform lasik in children with uniocular lazy eyes (anisometropic amblyopia). Lasik can be done even after age of 40 years as our machine also corrects presbyopia (reading numbers)>
You will have reasonably good vision immediately following lasik .After an initial healing period of approximately 2-3 weeks or lesser; vision is restored to 6/6.
Since laser is delivered on the outer most layer of the eye without entering the eyeball and with latest machine we have, lasik is a completely safe surgery.
No. Anesthesia is given in form of eye drops and it does not involve giving any injection which makes it a painless procedure.
No. You will be given protective glasses once you are out of the operation theatre.
Yes. Both eyes are treated at same time.
We have a live surgery viewing gallery for the relatives to watch the surgery being performed.
Yes we can perform lasik in lazy eyes under guarded prognosis. It is especially useful for uniocular lazy eyes as imbalance because of difference in glasses number between both eyes is treated.
A combination of tissue saving software and thinner blades allow lasik in thin corneas. If lasik is not suitable, TransPRK , ICL etc are other options that are available.
Yes if pre-lasik tests are normal and if the corneal thickness permits laser treatment.
Hybrid presbyopia micromonovision lasik allows removal of distance and near numbers even after age of 40 years.
Depending upon the results of pre-lasik tests, you will be counseled regarding various options and best procedures suitable for you will be suggested.
Yes. You need to discontinue soft contact lenses for 3 days and rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses for 7 days.