Oculus BIOM system for non-contact high resolution and wide field retinal surgery
High Speed Phaco & Vitrectomy, DORC (Netherlands, Germany)
Advanced technology for high speed vitrectomy surgery with stable fluidics3D mode that can perform 23, 25 & 27 gauge vitrectomy surgery with better automations
Endolaser, VISULAS 532, ZEISS (Germany)
Used in retinal surgeries to laser retinal tears and leakage areas in the retina
Live surgery recording system, SONY (Japan)
Allows the patient’s relatives to view the surgery being performed live and also provide the patients recording of their own surgery
Class-B vacuum autoclave, HANSEN (Korea)
Compact, high performance autoclave using vacuum pump to sterilize surgical instruments
ETO sterilizer, RUJIKON (India)
For sterilizing surgical instruments by chemical method to ensure safe and sterile process